Vraňany Project
About the Project
- A facility with one of the largest battery storage systems in the Czech Republic
- This energy source can flexibly respond to surpluses or shortages in the grid, and when not in operation, it is in standby mode with zero emissions and no inefficient fuel use
- It is a modern energy source that includes six gas turbines with a total output of 32.4 MW and a battery storage capacity of 22 MWh
- Investor: DECCI, a.s., builder E.nest Energy a.s.
- Contractor and main builder: SIEMENS, s.r.o.

Scope of Technology Supply (collaboration with TECHKO):
- Production and assembly of the technology for the supply station
- Gas regulation station RS 24 000/2/1-463 with a capacity of 24,000 m³(N)/hour
- Installation of a high-pressure industrial gas pipeline with 6 branches for the CX501 gas turbines
Signing of the contract
Handing over of complete documentation
Execution of the Work
Connection of the first gas turbine
Connection of the remaining turbines
Final Inspection