+420 541 212 144
  • Hutira

    Successful OPV Certification of our Training Center

    The Hutira training center has been OPV certified in the professional gas expert education field.

    Our company activities have included production, sales and development. However, we invest our time and experience in the training of future gas industry experts as well.

    In HUTIRA – BRNO, s.r.o. training facility in Popůvky, students can improve both their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. We have one of the best equipped training rooms in Central Europe that is fully specialized to gas pressure regulation.

    Our qualified tutors have already shared their experience with hundreds of service technicians, mechanics and designers (more than 500 persons per a single year).

    Based on this experience and professional competence, we are now listed in the “Register of Education Center in the OPV System” with a corresponding certificate.

    For more information, go to: