13. 5. 2019
A New Service: Regulator Commissioning For Free
Proper commissioning of a regulator is essential for its safe and reliable operation. It can save the user many complications and additional costs resulting related to connected gas appliances. Therefore, be sure to contact our specialists and get commissioning of the regulator including warranty covering the service, the regulator, and regular technical support. Our service technicians are continuously trained and have corresponding certificate of the Technical Inspection of the Czech Republic (TIČR). The regulator commissioning service offer is valid for all regions of the Czech Republic.
The commissioning is usually a paid service operation. Our latest offer includes possibility of regulator commissioning for FREE. The customer pays only travel expenses and time. To get the free commissioning service, the customer must meet two conditions: order of the operation at least 5 days in advance and complete the Commissioning for Free form. By completing the form, you will help us to further improve both our services and services of our partners/planners.
Regulator commissioning price:
* Commissioning for free applies to the following regulators: R25, R/70, CSB 400, CSB 600, CSB 700, B/240, A/100, A/140, REGAL 3, MN/MBN.
Commissioning for free (max. 1 hour)
Commissioning (max. 1 hour): 1000,- Kč
Travel expenses (passenger car): 11,-Kč/km
Time spent on the road: 375,- Kč/hour
The Commissioning for Free form can be completed: