+420 541 212 144
  • Hutira

    The beginnings of our system were closely connected to start of the third millennium. In 2000, we, as a small company with 17 employees, started to think about implementing a quality management system. We decided to approach Strojírenský a zkušební ústav in Brno, a company that provides consultancy and advisory services and who had a properly implemented ISO system in place at that time.

    Although our company had excellent business results and followed certain rules, we felt that it was deserving of a better corporate image, one that would enable it to overtake the competition. From the very start, the credo of the company has been to make people happy and to satisfy the needs and requirements of our customers with enthusiasm and pleasure. We therefore started to translate individual processes into regulations. The beginnings were anything but easy. The first member of the company management in charge of quality, Ing. Jan Lang, who was entrusted with this agenda, had to learn a few hard lessons. Employees regarded making the lists of steps behind their activities as useless paperwork and a waste of time. Fortunately, they got used to the new rules, began to understand the purpose of the system and came round to the idea, successfully passing the first inspection in April 2001. Within a very short space of time, on 12 June to be exact, we went through the pre-certification audit.

    After subsequent consultations, employee training sessions, internal auditor instruction and finalization in order to attain the desired state in which all the requirements imposed at that time were fulfilled, the company finally underwent the certification audit in 2003 and became the holder of its first ISO certificate. Since then, under the supervision of Renata J. Hutirová, a newly appointed member of the company management responsible for quality, the company has witnessed regular internal, supervisory and recertification audits, the results of which have always been positive. In light of the fact that our quality management system has really been used for the management and improvement of all processes implemented in our company, we have also taken the issue of environmental protection within a global context very seriously. Ten years after having been awarded our first certificate, the company decided to extend its management system. In August 2013, our processes were successfully certified as being compliant with environmental requirements. Our company has been the holder of these two certificates (QMS and EMS) for 6 years already.

    Due to the implemented functional system, the company can better define and fulfil the expectations of its customers, comply with requirements imposed under applicable regulations and improve its competitiveness. We can grow, extend our activities and take on new employees. The system makes the introductory training and adaptation of employees less demanding. It also meets the criteria of contracting entities who value the certification of tenderers.

    The company endeavours to continuously improve both systems and their impact on the community and stakeholders. We strive to tackle the causes of climate change and also try to make others take social responsibility seriously.

    You can read more about the certificates HERE.

    With humility and respect for nature!


    Renata Joan Hutirová, Quality Manager