Our modest financial support was aimed to a cycling team „Plzeň v žíle“, which took part in a sports competion „111 ways to your dream „ /in Czech 111 Cesta za snem/ from 28 July to 1 August. More specificaly it was METROSTAV HANDY CYCLO MARATHON 2020.
It was the longest cycling competion (team relay of four or eight) in the Czech Republic accros all 14 counties with the lenght of the track 2 222 Km required in the limit of 111 hours. Handicapped cyclist were integrated in this competition as well.
The goal of this cyclo-marathon was not to beat others but to overcome yourself. To show that cycling is an open sport for everyone and that unites people.
We were touched by words of appreciation. One of the participant sent us greetings „Many thanks from the bottom of my heart and enormous thanks for your finacial support“
„It was a strong emotional experience for me being a freshman in the team Plzeň v žíle. It is hard to describe what is one going thorugh. I have tears in my eyes and goose bumbs all over whenever I recall those moments. Destinies of different people, very strong life stories…it is difficult to speak about it. I admire all those people a lot.“
We pay tribute to all participants of this rather difficult competition and congratulate to all winning teams – more HERE.
Are you thinking of a similar support? There are many ways how to support handicapped people.