+420 541 212 144
  • Hutira
    Cabinets S22, S2300 and S300 | HUTIRA Gas

    Cabinets are used in the construction/reconstruction of natural gas house connections, where they serve as an object for the main gas shut-off valve) and gas meter location or the location of the gas pressure regulator for MP connections. Can be used even for small control and measuring sets for residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

    Cabinets S22, S2300 and S300

    Plastic cabinets MAXIPOL | HUTIRA Gas

    Modular cabinet system can be used for main gas shut-off valve, pressure regulator and gas meter, as well as for small control and measuring devices.

    Plastic cabinets MAXIPOL

    Cabinets series SEF 1/2/3 – SEF X | HUTIRA Gas

    SEF cabinets are used as a casing for smaller and larger control and measuring devices, or small gas control stations.

    Cabinets series SEF 1/2/3 – SEF X