+420 541 212 144
  • Hutira

    Fast contact:

    Service +420 602 536 335

    Although we are based in Popůvky, our professionally trained service technicians are available to you throughout the Czech Republic. Contact map

    HUTIRA – BRNO s.r.o. service provides:

    • operational inspections, warranty and post-warranty service of gas pressure regulators at regular intervals according to the manufacturer’s regulations and legal requirements laid down by the legislation of the country (Decree No. 85/1978 Coll., on inspections, revisions and tests of gas equipment.)
    • equipment maintenance and repairs, replacement of worn parts
    • checks of functionality, setting and tightness of security elements (safety valve, safety quick release)
    • testing of equipment on a test bench at the company’s headquarters
    • Hutira service also performs inspections, maintenance and service of BAP membrane closures.

    The most commonly used gas pressure regulators: